If you in Pakistan and you’re looking Best Protein Powder in Pakistan for good value and quality then you have come to the right place.pakistanprotein.blogspot.com/ helps you to work out the best protein powder for your lifestyle and workouts. We believe that protein powders can be the single most important addition to your diet for new muscle development and that the best protein powder will provide effective results with high quality ingredients, delivering the best value.
We believe the more natural ingredients included in the protein and less denatured products the better the protein powder.
Different proteins work best to suit your individual needs and depend on your body type , fitness and training goals.
Including a good protein powder in your daily diet provides your body with a constant flow of amino acids at all times for absorption and digestion.
If your training to build muscle for weight gain or weight loss protein powders can really help your muscle recovery and help you to grow muscle by giving your body the nutrition it needs for energy and fuel.
Generally isolate protein will have more protein to the gram than a concentrate and CMF(cross micro filtration process) will have less denatured active ingredients than a ion exchange process used for the manufacture.
A supplement company that has been around for many years is always a good buy. Example a company like Musashi have tried and true tested products where you know your getting a quality product.
Some companies are known to add small amounts of trace elements or ingredients of know muscle growth enhancers but the quantity included is not significant enough to really help but the price of the protein powders are inflated.
Other proteins can reflect cheaper prices because they have a blend of protein to include casein, which is a cheaper protein source.
. You may be getting whey protein from China some cheap protein powder brands. Details are not always disclosed on the labels, but I know I would rather be drinking protein from Pakistan or New Zealand than imported from other countries particularly china.
One trick is to pick effectiveness of a protein over the taste. You can always use protein to make you own protein bars or recipes to conceal the taste.
Whey Concentrate – Basic Whey Protein is WPC (whey protein concentrate) is a great source of protein digested at a moderate pace, generally works well to include between meals. A concentrated protein with a slower absorption rate than whey isolate.
CMF being the process that gives more denatured ingredients in the process without processes that harm natural biological activity in your protein.
So what does all this mean…simply, if you see the abbreviation CMF on protein labels you know your getting a high quality protein with biological value. If you see low heat temperature extraction…you know your getting quality. It costs more to extract protein in low heat environments.
Casein Protein- a protein with longer more complex protein structures of amino acids and a longer digestion period normally taken at in the evening to work while your asleep. Usually a final meal before bed for constant flood of amino acids during this inactive period.
Egg,Soy,and other proteins – are usually given less significance unless your dairy intolerant. All though evidence is yet to be concluded the latest studies in soy protein indicate that soy can raise men’s estrogen levels. Pea Protein is a relatively new form of protein considered to taste good.
Whey Protein Blends are usually a mix of WPI And WPC
Order of Ingredients…usually there is a mix of whey protein concentrates, whey protein isolates, protein hydrolysates and caseins. If you want an anabolic protein hydorlysates or isolates should be of first order in the label.
We believe the more natural ingredients included in the protein and less denatured products the better the protein powder.
Getting Through The Hype about Protein Powder!
Fitness on a budget is hard sometimes and if you like me you want the best recovery for the best money available. Most of us are just looking for a really good recovery protein to help erase soreness and keep us on track with the workout regime.Different proteins work best to suit your individual needs and depend on your body type , fitness and training goals.
Including a good protein powder in your daily diet provides your body with a constant flow of amino acids at all times for absorption and digestion.
If your training to build muscle for weight gain or weight loss protein powders can really help your muscle recovery and help you to grow muscle by giving your body the nutrition it needs for energy and fuel.
It can be a lot easier to have a few protein shakes than to eat 6 chicken breasts a day or have 8 egg whites in a meal. Absorption rate can also be faster so you can have a quick energy boost when you need it. For instance if your feeling a bit tired after a workout you will have faster absorption from your protein powder than you tuna or chicken breast.
Plus I don’t have any indigestion problems from a protein powder.What is the Best Protein Powder?
5 way check list:-
- Low fat ……1-5 grams is ok
- Low carb…..1-5 grams is ok
- High quality protein……generally approx 20- 30 grams per serving.
- Don’t make the mistake of purchasing protein powders that may contribute to excess fat gain because of calories included.
- Generally the less ingredients the better 7- 10 ingredients is a good guide.
Generally isolate protein will have more protein to the gram than a concentrate and CMF(cross micro filtration process) will have less denatured active ingredients than a ion exchange process used for the manufacture.
A supplement company that has been around for many years is always a good buy. Example a company like Musashi have tried and true tested products where you know your getting a quality product.
Some companies are known to add small amounts of trace elements or ingredients of know muscle growth enhancers but the quantity included is not significant enough to really help but the price of the protein powders are inflated.
Protein Powders that Contribute to Muscle Gain without Breaking the Bank
If you don’t need a Mass Gainers which can include proteins, carbs and fats, and you just need the protein than you get better value by sticking to protein powder rather than a bulk mass gainer.Value for Your Money
Processing techniques for higher quality denatured proteins cost more thus it can be reflected in higher prices,Other proteins can reflect cheaper prices because they have a blend of protein to include casein, which is a cheaper protein source.
. You may be getting whey protein from China some cheap protein powder brands. Details are not always disclosed on the labels, but I know I would rather be drinking protein from Pakistan or New Zealand than imported from other countries particularly china.
One trick is to pick effectiveness of a protein over the taste. You can always use protein to make you own protein bars or recipes to conceal the taste.
The next question that you may have is:- Concentrate, Isolate or Casein Protein Which One?
They all work well but it comes down to personal preference and what works the best for you and your training lifestyle.Whey Concentrate – Basic Whey Protein is WPC (whey protein concentrate) is a great source of protein digested at a moderate pace, generally works well to include between meals. A concentrated protein with a slower absorption rate than whey isolate.
CMF being the process that gives more denatured ingredients in the process without processes that harm natural biological activity in your protein.
So what does all this mean…simply, if you see the abbreviation CMF on protein labels you know your getting a high quality protein with biological value. If you see low heat temperature extraction…you know your getting quality. It costs more to extract protein in low heat environments.
Casein Protein- a protein with longer more complex protein structures of amino acids and a longer digestion period normally taken at in the evening to work while your asleep. Usually a final meal before bed for constant flood of amino acids during this inactive period.
Egg,Soy,and other proteins – are usually given less significance unless your dairy intolerant. All though evidence is yet to be concluded the latest studies in soy protein indicate that soy can raise men’s estrogen levels. Pea Protein is a relatively new form of protein considered to taste good.
Whey Protein Blends are usually a mix of WPI And WPC
Whey Protein Concentrate vs Whey Protein Isolates
Understanding the difference between the both products can make things a bit easier in picking the right protein powder. This is the Key here….Order of Ingredients…usually there is a mix of whey protein concentrates, whey protein isolates, protein hydrolysates and caseins. If you want an anabolic protein hydorlysates or isolates should be of first order in the label.
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